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- Хрониките на Земята (1)
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- The 12th Planet, 1976 (Пълни авторски права)
- Превод отанглийски
- Крум Бъчваров, 2002 (Пълни авторски права)
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Зекария Сичин. Дванадесетата планета
Американска, първо издание
Превод: Крум Бъчваров
Редактор: Иван Тотоманов
Художествено оформление на корица: „Megachrom“ — Петър Христов
Компютърна обработка ИК „БАРД“ ООД Линче Шопова
Формат 60/90/16 Печатни коли 25
ИК „Бард“ ООД — София, 2002 г.
ISBN: 954-585-401-4
- —Добавяне
I. Главни източници за библейските текстове
А. От Битие до Второзаконие: The Five Books of Moses, new edition, revised by Dr. M. Stern, Star Hebrew Book Company, без дата.
Б. За последните преводи и интерпретации, основани на шумерски и акадски находки: „Genesis“, from The Anchor Bible, transl. by E. A. Speiser, Garden City, N.Y. Doubleday & Co., 1964.
В. За „архаичния“ стил: The Holy Bible, King James Version, Cleveland and New York: The World Publishing Co., без дата.
Г. За проверка на последните интерпретации на библейските стихове: The Torah, new translation of the Holy Scriptures according to the Masoretic text, New York: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1962; The New American Bible, translation by members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, New York: P. J. Kenedy & Sons, 1970; The New English Bible, planned and directed by the Church of England, Oxford: Oxford University Press; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970.
Д. За сравнение на употребата и помощ при превода: Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebaricae Atqiie Chaldaicae by Solomon Mandelkern, Jerusalem: Schocken Books, Inc., 1962; Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Bible, a translation and adaptation of the works by A. van den Born, by the Catholic Biblical Association of America, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1963; Millon-Hatanach (Hebrew), Hebrew-Aramaic by Jushua Steinberg, Tel Aviv: Izreel Publishing House Ltd., 1961.
II. Главни източници за близкоизточните текстове
Burton, G. A. The Royal Inscriptions of Sumer and Akkad. 1929.
Borger, R. Babylonisch-Assyrisch Lesestucke. 1963.
Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Gods of Egyptians. 1904.
Budge, E. A. Wallis, King, L. W. Annals of the Kings of Assyria. 1902.
Chiera, E. Sumerian Religious Texts. 1924.
Ebeling, E., B. Meissner, E. Weidner (eds.). Reallexikon der Assyrologie und Vorderasiatischen Archaology. 1923–1957.
Ebeling, E. Enuma Elish: die Siebente Tafel des Akkadischen Weltschopfungsliedes. 1939.
Ebeling, E. Tod und Leben nach den Vorstellungen der Babylonier. 1931.
Falkenstein, A., W. von Soden. Sumerische und Akkadische Hymnen und Gebete. 1953.
Falkenstein, A. Sumerische Gotterlieder. 1959.
Fossey, C. La Magie Syrienne. 1902.
Frankfort, H. Kingship and the Gods. 1948.
Gray, J. The Cananites. 1964.
Gordon, C. H. Canaanite Mythology. — In: Mythologies of the Ancient World. 1961.
Grossman, H. The Development of the Idea of God in the Old Testament. 1926.
Grossman, H. Altorientalische Texte und Bilder zum alten Testamente. 1909.
Gutebrock, H. G. Hittite Mythology. — In: Mythologies of the Ancient World. 1961.
Heidel, A. The Babylonian Genesis. 1969.
Hilprecht, H. V. (ed.). Reports of the Babylonian Expedition: Cuneiform Texts. 1893–1914.
Jacobsen, T. Mesopotamia. — In: The Intellectual Adventure of the Ancient Man. 1964.
Jastrow, M. Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens. 1905–1912.
Jean, C.-F. La religion sumerienne. 1931.
Jensen, P. Texte zur assyrisch-babylonischen Religion. 1915.
Jensen, P. Die Kosmologie der Babylonier. 1890.
Jeremias, A. The Old Testament in the Light of the Ancient Near East, 1911.
Jeremias, A. Das Alter der babylonischen Astronomie. 1908.
Jeremias, A. Handbuch der Altorientalische Geistkultur.
Jeremias, A., Winckler, H. Im Kampfe urn den alten Orient.
King, L. W. Babylonian Magic and Sorcery. — In: The Prayers of the Lifting of the Hand. 1896.
King, L. W. The Assyrian Language. 1901.
King, L. W. The Seven Tablets of Creation. 1902.
King, L. W. Babylonian Religion and Mythology. 1899.
Kramer, S. N. The Sumerians. 1963.
Kramer, S. N. (ed.). Mythologies of the Ancient World. 1961.
Kramer, S. N. History Begins at Sumer. 1959.
Kramer, S. N. Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. 1952. Kramer, S. N. From the Tablets of Sumer. 1956.
Kramer, S. N. Sumerian Mythology. 1961.
Kugler, F. X. Sternkunde und Sterndienst in Babylon. 1907–1913.
Lambert, W. G., A. R. Millard. Atra-Hasis, the Babylonian Story of the Flood. 1970.
Langdon, S. Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms. 1909.
Langdon, S. Tammuz and Ishtar. 1914.
Langdon, S. Oxford Editions of Cuneiform Texts. 1923 и сл.
Langdon, S. Semitic Mythology. — In: The Mythology of All Races. 1964.
Langdon, S. Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Epic of Creation. 1923.
Langdon, S. Babylonian Penitential Psalms. 1927.
Langdon, S. Die Neu-Babylonischen Konigsinschriften. 1912.
Luckenbill, D. D. Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia. 1926–1927.
Neugebauer, O. Astronomical Cuneiform Texts. 1955.
Pinches, T. G. Some Mathematical Tablets in the British Museum. — In: Hilprecht Anniversary Volume. 1909.
Pritchard, J. B. (ed.), Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament. 1969.
Rawlinson, H. C. The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia. 1861–1884.
Sayce, A. H. The Religion of the Babylonians. 1888.
Smith, G. The Chaldean Account of Genesis. 1876.
Thomas, D. W. (ed.). Documents from the Old Testament Times. 1961.
Thompson, R. C. The Reports of the Magicians and Astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon. 1900.
Thureau-Dangin, F. Les Inscriptions de Sumer et Akkad. 1905.
Thureau-Dangin, F. Die sumerischen und akkadische Konigsinschriften. 1907.
Thureau-Dangin, F. Rituels accadiens. 1921.
Virolleaud, C. L’Astronomie Chaldeenne. 1903–1908.
Weidner, E. F. Alter und Bedeutung der Babylonischer Astronomie und Astrallehre. 1914.
Weidner, E. F. Handbuch der Babylonischen Astronomie. 1915.
Witzel, P. M. Tammuz-Liturgien und Verwandtes. 1935.